Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Fishing Academy

I just had to read this story, as I never heard of a full blown fishing academy before. Turns out, it's something similar to an after school kind of thing. The guy teaches kids how to fish, builds self confidence, and promotes clean living. Not a bad way to spend your day I suppose.

One thing I noticed tho was - "...Parents just don't have time to spend with their kids any more..."

That's kinda sad when you think about it. Has our society gone so far down hill in personal relationships with our children that we need to ship them to special camps just to get that one-on-one parenting deal? Pathetic, I say.

Hat's off to Mr. John Hoffman for putting an organization together to help these young folk.

Another interesting tidbit from the article shows where Mr. Hoffman tossed out some pieces of bread into the water, presumably to see where the fish were. Hmmm... Makes you wonder how effective those fishing lures REALLY are.

But I digress. Much can be done in many communities to help teach a kid to fish. A great place to start is . They have a wealth of information just a few clicks away!

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