Tuesday, April 3, 2007

April Fishing

Too cold yet? No way!

There are some great advantages to fishing in the early months of the year, and Steve Sarley from the Northwest Herald in IL., points out the many reasons why. He also has a clever selection of tackle to bare thought too.

I found the article extremely informative as I have two children myself. Any tips I can get for this time of year is helpful. Especially since the kids are already hitting me up for fishing.

According to that handy tidbit, I'll probably stay away from the fast action lures that are common in todays over-hyped industry. I'll simply stick to the bobber and worms rigs. Perhaps a handy worm harness will do the trick.

On the flip side of things, there are those fortunate ones that live in much warmer weather, all year around. The guys at Central Florida Fishing have some really good fishing reports, along with some tips for what works in those regions. I speculate that since the fish are in warmer water, then your choice of lures is much broader in scope. Leave behind hardcore tactics in these parts of the world, as you can probably catch fish with a beer can!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention!